Saturday, April 25, 2015

There's An App For That

The speed in which technology continues to enter our lives amazes me and I'm not one of the "early adaptors" that has to have the latest and greatest new tech toy.

Having said that, there is no question that we are closely aligned with whatever "toys" we are toting around, similar to the "football" that the military guy carries with the President wherever he goes.

I know that many of you say that you are not wed to your phone, tablet, etc, but how many of you simply go into the "DT's" when you your battery is dead or you have no wi-fi or phone connection?  We know where to take those who have become substance abusers, but where are the halfway houses for phone junkies?

Many say that these technology advances allow for faster responses, but are they better responses?

My first cell phone was anchored to the floor of my car and was not removable.  It was pretty awesome, with its antenna on the back window, a sure status symbol that sent a message that the car was equipped with the latest and greatest.

My first computer was a Tandy 1000, with 2 floppy disks and no hard drive.

My first internet provider was Prodigy, a joint effort of Sears and IBM.  It was a dial up.  I later moved over to AOL, which was the latest and greatest provider at the time.  I'm still with AOL as reflected by my email address which contains no numbers, a sure sign that it was an early one.  Of course today an AOL address is a sure sign to others that you are indeed a technology dinosaur.

Fast forward to the present.  There's even an app that tells you how long to retirement.  It counts down the months, days, and minutes to my 12/31/15 last day.

I wonder if there's an app to show you how to "unhook" in retirement?

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